Andamiro USA relocates HQ from southern California to northern Texas

  • Date : 06/14/2021




IRVING, TX, June 10, 2021 -- Andamiro USA Corp., a leading arcade game company, is relocating its business
operations from Gardena, California, to Irving, Texas. The new Texas-based headquarters and warehouse
will be fully operational by late June, before the company’s building lease in California ends on June 30.


The new address is 2222 Century Circle, Irving TX 75062. The main phone number is unchanged at
(310) 767-5800. The new fax number is (972) 445-9111.


Andamiro USA purchased the 25,000-sq.ft. building in late 2019, three months before the COVID-19
pandemic shut down the world economy. During the downtime, Andamiro made numerous upgrades to
its building. We renovated interiors, expanded warehouse space, created a game showroom, and constructed dedicated parts and service areas.


“This relocation plan has been in the works for several years and the time to execute on it couldn’t be
better,” said Andamiro USA president Drew Maniscalco. “Moving to Irving has several benefits. Its central
location in the U.S. will improve shipping rates and delivery times."



About Andamiro

Andamiro makes ticket redemption amusements, prize merchandisers, sports games and videogames, including the Pump It Up music and dance floor. The MLB Players Association, NFL Players Inc., Nickelodeon,
Universal, The Walt Disney Co. and World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. are among our licensing partners.
Andamiro USA and Andamiro Co. Ltd. are online, respectively, at and

[이 게시물은 ANDAMIRO님에 의해 2023-01-04 17:18:22 Notice에서 이동 됨]